Remote monitoring of pacemakers

Remote monitoring of pacemakers is too often perceived as optional and of low medical interest. The authors of this review dicuss, based on scientific publications, that the lack of remote…...
Twenty years ago, pacemakers were the first implantable cardiac devices to offer automated remote monitoring. This innovation was particularly well received by patients. However, for many healthcare professionals, remote monitoring of pacemakers is still considered optional, despite benefits comparable to those of remote monitoring of implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Remote monitoring reduces the number of consultations and the workload of healthcare professionals. The ability to detect technical or clinical complications in advance increases patient safety and the management of recalls. The reduction in hospitalizations and deaths associated with remote monitoring of pacemakers is comparable to that observed in remote monitoring of defibrillators in an observational mega-cohort. This review is an evidence-based plea for the recognition and routine use of telemonitoring of pacemakers. Read the full study here.