The CareLine Platform


The CareLine Platform relies on multiparametric data collection that enables not only remote monitoring of the patient, but also remote management, which can avoid hospitalizations in the event of worsening heart failure episodes1. Up to 20 parameters can be remotely monitored:
  • 5 clinical parameters
  • 8 biological parameters
  • 7 parameters from Medtronic CIEDs
1. Ploux S. et al., Remote management of worsening heart failure to avoid hospitalization in a real-world setting, ESC Heart Failure, Oct. 2023 (more information)


Blood Pressure

Heart Rate


5 questions to identify dyspnea at effort and at rest, orthopnea, edema, exhaustion



NTProBNP, BNP, Urea, Creatinine, Potassium, Hemoglobin, Sodium, Ferritin

Medtronic CIEDs

7 parameters including high TRIAGE-HFTM risk score
Des objets connectés qui transmettent automatiquement vos informations à la plateforme Careline pour que l'équipe médical reçoive des alertes en direct


With the CareLine Platform, remote monitoring can be personalized to match each patient’s needs by:
  1. choosing among the 20 available parameters the ones to monitor
  2. activate the relevant alerts generated from 28 different algorithms
  3. adjusting, as needed, the thresholds of each activated alert
  4. customizing the alert level displayed (orange / red)


Data privacy

CareLine Solutions acts as a processor on behalf of healthcare professionals using the CareLine Platform on which personal data concerning health related to patients receiving remote care are collected and processed.

The CareLine Platform complies with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, both European (GDPR) and French (article L. 1111-8 CSP). It has been certified by the French Digital Health Agency. Data are hosted by the French company AZNetwork, which is certified to host health data and whose servers are located on French territory.

Personal health data of patients can only be accessed by healthcare professionals belonging to their care team, who can connect to the CareLine platform only via a secure link and using strong authentication.